Dear Friend,
Do you ever look at the top
producers, the “stars” in your company or industry,
and wonder how they got where they are? Were they just born
incredibly talented, lucky, or motivated? Or do they know some
secret you don’t?
Have you ever met a very
successful person and after having been around them
it seemed that they didn’t have any more
“on the ball” than you do? And did it
puzzle you because they seem to attract success?
Would it surprise you if I told
you that the same inner power that distinguishes them and leads
to their success also flows through you?
The truth is you already have the power -- all
you'll ever need -- to have anything and everything you'll ever
For almost 40 years now I’ve been
continually asked the same question over and over. It’s been
asked by people who are struggling to make a breakthrough in their
life as well as those who are already doing very well but want to
make a quantum leap to the next level of success.
In every
seminar and on every conference call that I conduct, when I
mention that my income went from $4,000 to $175,000 in one year,
and then well over $1 million dollars a year several years later,
I am always asked “HOW?” How did you do it? What did
you change? What caused such a phenomenal improvement in
your life?
real success is the result of an
evolution of thinking – it’s a process. That process involves
continuous change and increasing awareness.
My Freedom Series Library will
turbo-charge your thinking and raise your consciousness beyond
anything you've known so far.
I want you to
know that in this very moment, you are capable of doing
something absolutely incredible with your life. Like I
said before, the same power that runs through those “stars” also
runs through you. The Freedom
Series will help you discover it and
unleash it.
Each one of the Freedom Series lessons has a personal message
that will expand your thinking beyond any
horizons you may have previously held. I promise you that
the Freedom Series will cause you to have some "ah-hah" moments!
Of These “break-through” insights
could you
right now?
- Discover the
laws that will help you develop the life of your dreams
- Activate
your imagination…see yourself in possession of the reward
- Tap into the
power of your “Gold Mind”
- Empower
others to follow you to greater heights
- Break out of
the prison of negative thinking
- Overcome
discouragement and sweep aside opposition
- Multiply
your income by setting up multiple sources of income
- Find the
excitement, big ideas, and the solutions to every problem
- Create and
maintain a Winner’s Self-Image
- Achieve any
- and so many
more that it would take an entire letter to describe
them all.
15 powerful
lessons that will show you how to move into that higher energy
of maximum achievement:
Stretch and Serve
Responsibility is a choice. It is also the absolute key to your
freedom. Here's how to recognize the "blame game" in yourself
and escape from that mental prison forever. Learn what
"responsibility" actually means, and what occurs when you become
responsible FOR rather than responsible TO. Then, learn how
responsibility actually coincides with service . . . to create
the empowered end result of life you seek.
2. Great Leaders and Intelligent
Followers - Best Seller!
Learn how to become the leader of your life – and possibly
others, as well – by understanding the very core of a great
leader. What are the features of a great leader? Why is that all
great leaders started as followers? What actually makes up a
great follower? Learn how to grow and mature exponentially in
your own life as you learn to switch between the roles of great
leadership and great following.
3. Culture Shifts and Paradigms
You cannot be free unless and until you know
exactly what it is that governs, shapes and directs the
apparatus that controls your behavior and the results that
behavior gets you. That apparatus being, of course, your
mind...and more specifically, your paradigms. You'll be
amazed at some of the obvious, and not-so-obvious, influences
that you are allowing to shape your life.
4. The X-Y Factor -
Best Seller!
Why is it that no matter how badly you want a specific change or
freedom in your life, you just can't seem to act on it . . . or,
worse . . . when you act on it, it simply slips from your grasp?
If you've ever wondered why it can be so difficult to make a
change in your life that actually sticks, this is the Freedom
Series for you. Here, Bob Proctor reveals truths about the "X"
Factor in your life and how to overcome its many obstacles,
arguments and flat-out revolt with that refreshing "Y" Factor
you've always wanted.
5. Share the Wealth
Do you know that there is a concept based on absolute Law that
will attract to you greater wealth in all areas of your life? In
this Freedom Series, you'll find the answer to an ancient secret
that will enable you (as well as entire countries of one mind
around the world) to instantly shift your life's rewards. Bob
Proctor explains the Law of Circulation and, when applied, its
phenomenal results in our modern world's history.
6. Goals: Questions and Answers
Your goal isn't too big for you. Your goal isn't wrong for you.
Instead, you might just be cob-webbed into one or more of the 13
Reasons Why Goals Fail. In this frank presentation, Bob Proctor
walks you through the biggest issues he's dealt with when trying
to accomplish goals, as well as the most common issues and
obstacles he's heard about from the thousands of people who have
asked for his consultation. Get on the right track for good!
7. Resilience Scores Goals
When you're feeling like it's just about time to give up on that
dream, listen in to tales of people who came close to doing the
same but, instead, committed to bouncing back and reching their
goals. You'll learn why resilience is the key to all goal
achievement; why it exists in the first place as your lesson;
and learn about a number of world renowned people's lives who
once struggled, too.
8. Thought & Action -
Best Seller!
How is it that both the startling talent of Michelangelo and the
rather ordinary acorn can teach us our most powerful lessons on
The Law of Attraction? Here’s how to believe like Michelangelo,
"think" like an acorn, and follow-through on Bob Proctor's
step-by-step actions that – once and forever – change the
results in your life.
When you embrace and exercise the freedom you
have over the relationships in your life, your life will be
profoundly, permanently improved in every aspect. And like
everything, EVERYTHING else, it all starts in that magnificent
mind of yours.
10. Purpose, Vision and Goals -
Best Seller!
Here’s how to determine your definite purpose and get past your
own roadblocks (and everyone else’s) to truly create the life of
your dreams. You’ll learn how to plot your course with
short-term goals that adhere to your long-term vision, and come
to recognize the warning signs when you’ve veered from your
11. The Big One
The real you has an urge to live in a much larger way. Here’s
how to recognize and get past your own “terror barriers,”
consciously re-program your thoughts for immediate positive
return, and engage in the Four Phases of Thought Process to
control your end result – every single time.
12. The Common Denominator of
What IS the secret ingredient that causes some people to be
easily successful while others never quite reach the same
heights? Here, you’ll learn about purpose-driven lives and why
some people are more willing to take risk because of their
attitude toward risk … and then … the 4-part foundational secret
is revealed.
13. Challenge Your Potential
When you step forward into growth, you won’t only be challenging
your potential – you’ll be met by two opposing forces. One is an
outside force (your environment of family, friends and
situations) and the other is an inside force, your old
conditioning that whispers sweet horribles in your mind. Here’s
how to conquer both with these action steps.
14. Multiple Sources of Income –
Positive Expectations - Best Seller!
Can you imagine creating 10 … 40 … 100 DIFFERENT sources of
income for yourself? For most people, that thought alone is a
hard one to fathom – they immediately picture long, hard hours
of never-ending work. But creating an MSI (Multiple Source of
Income) isn’t about increasing exponential hours of work or your
focused attention– it’s about increasing exponential,
‘round-the-clock income through these incredibly easy steps.
15. Forget About Luck
Whatever happens in your life – good or bad – doesn’t come by
way of luck, lack of luck, fate, karma or sins of your
forefathers. What happens in your life is up to you and the
choices you choose to make. Its these very choices that will
either work in harmony with the natural Laws of the Universe, or
will act dysfunctionally against these very same laws.
Interested in learning what these time-eternal Universal Laws
might be?
Download Now or We'll
Send the Audio Files to You on CD
The Freedom
Series was first introduced as a monthly subscription program.
Participants received one CD per month and paid almost $20
(including shipping). We've
converted those CD's to a convenient, downloadable mp3 audio
format, and we can offer you this entire power-packed success
library for a fraction of it's original cost (if you don't want
to download the files, you can still receive all of the files on
one CD-ROM. See below for details).
With the proper software
(you can get the software free if you don't already have it on
your computer) you can use these files to:
- Play on
your computer
- Upload
to portable mp3 players like the Apple Ipod or Dell Jukebox
- Burn
the files to your own CDs to play in your car or portable CD
- Play on
your Pocket PC or PalmOne PDA
Important - Please
Read: The entire Freedom Series Library is more
than 175 MB. If you have a DSL, Cable or similar
broadband connection, you can download these programs in a
reasonably short time. If you have a 56K modem or
slower connection, please order the files on CD-ROM and we
will ship them to you promptly by Priority Shipping.
You will receive the same exact files and you will have the
same options to use the files as listed above.
First 50 orders will receive this bonus:

Bob Proctor's best-selling audio and video
program, Your Winner's Image, is now available in convenient
downloadable eBook.
The self-image operates like the thermostat in your home. Once your
image is set, your life is on course to produce the physical manifestation
of the mental image you hold.
This eBook shows you exactly how to set your "personal thermostat" to
MAXIMUM SUCCESS. Sells everyday for $19.95 .
Can't Lose
With My Better-Than-Risk-Free
100% Guarantee
In the unlikely event you decide the Freedom Series
is not for you, we will happily refund your
money - no questions asked -- and you can keep the bonus as my
thanks for considering this program.
Even those who question the effectiveness of
these types of programs in creating real results have nothing to
lose by trying it. I’ve arranged for all of the risk to
be on my shoulders (which is where it should be).
why I’m willing to back up the Freedom Series with
Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee.
That’s it. Simple
and affordable. There really is no reason why you shouldn’t try the
Freedom Series today. I believe it will replenish
your psychic reservoir and reinvigorate your drive to achieve
the great things you’ve envisioned for yourself.
Still not
Listen to this full-length
audio from the original Introduction to the Freedom Series
the information about the monthly purchase --- now you can own
the entire Series at one low price).
Turn your speakers on and
press play
the information
about the monthly purchase
What is it
that’s been nagging your thoughts? Is it
a desire that’s made you
hungry to find the missing pieces in your life?
A hunger, in fact,
that probably led you to this web page to check it out.
Is it a
quantum-leap in income? Such a huge leap that it takes your breath
away thinking about it?
Have you
committed to getting out of the rut you’ve found yourself in the
last several years?
Do you want to
build your business to a certain level by year’s end?
Have you made a
decision to finally live life debt-free?
Every person
who seeks or hopes for the best in life must have not only a
vision, but also a design and purpose for achieving that vision.
So let me encourage you to dream big…I believe you’re quite
capable of going as far as you want. You do have the
power to have it all. And the Freedom Series
will guide you every step of the way.
Bob Proctor
P.S. A
final reminder that if you order now
you'll also
get an instantly downloadable copy of my
Winner's Image eBook
PLUS my personal guarantee.
Order Download
Order Files on CD-Rom
have a credit card? Here are two options for payment:
1. Click on your choice above
so you can determine shipping costs.
2. Send
a check (U.S. Only) or money order in U.S. Dollars to:
No Dream Too
PO Box 1220
Melrose FL 32666 USA
Be sure and
include your name, email address, product you are ordering
and shipping costs.